It’s only Tuesday January 3rd and I have a confession to make.
I know we’re only three days into 2017 and it’s already time to say everything I haven’t done. But it’s OK.
It’s OK that I haven’t put any of my goals into action. It’s OK that I am still boozing like it’s 1999 and eating bread, pizza and chicken wings like they’re going to be in some great shortage of 2017 and I need them all immediately.
It’s OK that I haven’t joined a gym. It’s OK that I haven’t scheduled a lengthy queue of blog posts (except this one, so hoorah to that). It’s OK to not start all of my 2017 goals, ambitions and plans to kick ass directly on January 1st.
Who says you have to start exactly on the 1st? I’m not going to lie, I did have plans to start my big life journey on Sunday, but we’ve had a couple of setbacks along the way.
Joe and I were scheduled to fly out of Buffalo on January 1st, landing in London on the 2nd. Due to some overbooking issues on our plane, they had to kick 15 people off the flight. They switched our original, bigger aircraft to a much smaller one at the last minute. You know, it wasn’t too bad. We were switched along with plenty of other people and compensated for the issue. Cool. Booked on standby for the next day. Only a day setback. No worries.
January 2nd rolls around and we’re said to be all OK to fly out. Joe and I had seats, we were boarding the aircraft and then, well. Same thing. There was a weighting issue with the aircraft. I mean, can planes be that overweight that they need to remove people? I’ve never heard of that before. So we were bumped.
Third time better be the charm. We officially have seats for both flights. I put on my bossy pants and politely requested demanded to be in first class. We fly out of Buffalo tonight. It’s January 3rd. We’re landing into London two days late.
I want to be annoyed about it. I want to be angry. I’ve been looking forward to getting back to London, getting stuck into my blog and work again. I feel like my 2017 is getting a delayed start. I wanted to be annoyed… but honestly I’m not. There’s nothing more we could do to change the situation. Despite it all, I’ve had a little extra time at home. Cuddled with my cat. Enjoyed an extra glass of wine with my mom. Talked business and the future with my dad. Spent time with my brother and his girlfriend. Of course, with Joe there by my side. You know, it’s not so bad getting delayed when you have such great things around you.
After a little reflection, it’s OK to freak out for a little bit about your situation before looking at the good in it. Now I’m ready to start my 2017, so London, I’m coming for ya.
We’re coming away from Buffalo two days late, luckily with some flight compensation for the hassle. Tonight, we’ll be flying first class abroad, which we’ve never had the opportunity to do before as a couple. So maybe it’s a 2017 blessing in disguise, we’re meant to start 2017 on January 3rd, flying first class in the sky.
See you soon Londontown. I can’t wait to make it the BEST 2017 ever.
Kelly xox
I feel you! I don’t move back to London until the 7th and I just know that I won’t get stuck into my goals until I’m away from home and not being fed cheese and chocolate constantly!
Sophie |